
Make any Bulma element collapsible with ease

This components as been developped as a Bulma extension and bring you the ability to easily Collapse/Exand any kind of element/component.
We designed it to be as generic as possible, that's why its Sass part is lighter than in its ancestor (Wikiki's bulma-accordion component). But don't worry you can still use it for accordion purpose - and even more.

About the project

BulmaCollapsible is © 2019 by CreativeBulma.

This project is based on the work done by Wikiki.


This library uses Jest & Puppeteer for test purpose. Test files are in tests directory.

jest   jest
Jest is a testing framework maintained by Facebook that works great with Puppeteer, a library for controlling Headless Chrome which bring the ability to test User Interface and browser component.
$ npm run test
If you want to run tests using the amazing Majestic UI execute the following command from your terminal:
$ npx majestic
Caution: You have to run gulp to build project before running tests if you have modified sources (test process is working with headless browser so it uses compiled files).

BulmaCollapsible is distributed under MIT license.


Contribution are welcome!
You found a bug, a typo issue ? Feel free to create a PR on the github repository of this project.
When contributing to this project, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue on the github repository, email, or any other method with the owners of this project before making a change.