
Customize the visual aspect of the component
  • Prepare your environment

    To customize the template you must have node, npm and Gulp installed in your computer.

    Installation guide of node can be found here. As npm comes bundled with node, separate installation of npm is not needed.
    If you have installed them, just move to the root directory and run the following command.

    $ npm install

    You can see that a directory node_modules is generated in your root directory with all dependencies files!

  • Customize

    Edit source files to adapt them to your need.

  • Compile it

    Use gulp task to build the files.

    Compile sass files within src/sass directory taking index.sass as entry point.

    $ gulp css

    Compile js files within src/js directory taking index.js as entry point.

    $ gulp js

    Compile both sass and js files within src directory.

    $ gulp

    Compiled files are available within /dist directory and are automatically copied within docs directory.