
Installation guide
This component extends Bulma CSS Framework, so you need to have Bulma installed to use it.
Important: Installation process requires node and npm installed in your computer. Installation guide of node can be found here. As npm comes bundled with node, separate installation of npm is not needed.
  • Install extension from NPM
    $ npm install @creativebulma/bulma-collapsible
  • Integrate the Sass part into your project

    Open you application's main sass file and add the following lines:

    // Import Bulma first
    @import 'bulma';
    // Import Component main Sass File
    @import '~@creativebulma/bulma-collapsible';
    Because you're importing into a .sass file, you don't have to specify the full path of the sass file (The main Sass file to use is defined in package.json within property sass).
  • Integrate the JavaScript part into your project
    import bulmaCollapsible from '@creativebulma/bulma-collapsible';
    <script src="/node_modules/@creativebulma/bulma-collapsible/dist/js/bulma-collapsible.min.js"></script>

    See JavaScript API documentation to find out how to work with the component in Javascript.
Framework Integration